New students, and incoming kindergarten students: What is required to start school?
- Immunization record – including:
- Varicella (Chicken Pox) after first birthday
- TDap and Polio Boosters (or 4th dose after 4th Bday)
- Immunizations must be on file in order to start Kindergarten
- Physical Exam - completed after July 1, 2021
Kindergarten Students
As you know, kindergartners occasionally have bathroom accidents. In order to maintain a healthy and safe learning environment, please send in a change of clothes to remain in the classroom. Please include pants, underwear, and socks in a clear plastic bag, labeled with your child’s name. In addition, please review proper bathroom hygiene procedures with your child at home.
Medication Policy
- Medication form with physician signature and parental/guardian consent
- Original container with pharmacy label
- Parent/Guardian must drop off medication. Children are not allowed to deliver medications.
- Cough drops need a note from parent, each year.
Communicable Diseases
A doctor’s note is required when your child has been absent with such illnesses as strep throat, scarlet fever or questionable rashes.
Sick Day Guidelines
- Fever over 100.4 degrees
- Undiagnosed rash
- Vomiting/diarrhea
- Red, watery eye with yellow discharge
- Symptoms that prevent them from participating in school, i.e. uncontrollable nasal discharge, excessive coughing or fatigue, sore throat.
- Please keep your child home for 24 hours after vomiting or diarrhea has stopped.
- Student’s should be fever free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication before returning to school.
Orthopedic Injuries
If your child comes in with an ace bandage, cast, brace, splint, sling, stitches, butterfly stitches or glue, please send in a Doctor’s note that states student has the above accommodation, as well as clearance to be in school. Physical activity restriction parameters with timeframe should be included.
- A crutch order is necessary from your Doctor.
- A Doctor’s note is needed to be excused from Physical Education Class
Food Allergies Can Be Life-Threatening
- Only non-food items, such as pencils, erasers and stickers, may be sent to school to celebrate a student’s birthday.
- Please avoid sending in products that may contain nut products.